Abortion is an incredibly personal decision that only you can make. However, just like any other important medical procedure, you deserve to know all the facts, such as the risks, side effects, and what abortion recovery would look like. 

Read this article to learn more about what to learn from a surgical and medication abortion so you can safely assess each one for its impact on your health and safety.

What Are The Common Abortion Risks and Side Effects?

Surgical Abortion Risks

A surgical abortion procedure requires going to an actual in-person clinic visit where the pregnancy is removed via surgery while you’re under anesthesia. The risks of surgical abortion may include the following:

  • Tissue remaining in the uterus.
  • Injury to the cervix.
  • A hole in the wall of the uterus (uterine perforation).
  • Moderate to severe vaginal bleeding
  • Infection

Surgical Abortion Side Effects

After the surgical abortion, some side effects outlined by the Mayo Clinic may include:

  • Mild cramping
  • Spotting or light bleeding

Medical Abortion Risks

Potential risks of medical abortion include:

  • Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
  • An ongoing unwanted pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fever
  • Digestive system discomfort

Medication Abortion Risks

A medication abortion requires two series of drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. One ends the pregnancy, and the other induces cramping to expel the pregnancy.

Bleeding and spotting can occur up to 30 days after the procedure. Other common side effects include: 

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache

How Abortion May Impact Your Future Health

Evidence suggests that an abortion may contribute to health complications under certain circumstances. 

For example, a 2013 study found a greater likelihood of very early preterm delivery for subsequent pregnancies if you have had an abortion. 

Another study confirms that pelvic inflammatory infection (PID) is one of the most common side effects of an abortion.

Additionally, surgical abortion could result in cervical or uterine scarring (called the Asherman Syndrome), which may relate to challenges in conceiving again or potentially premature birth later. 

Next Steps

Every woman deserves to make decisions about her reproductive health with facts and in a supportive environment. 

Ultrasounds can provide valuable information, such as the location and age of the pregnancy, and we provide a compassionate, judgment-free space where you can ask questions and discuss your options.

Cornerstone Women’s Resource Center offers no-cost pregnancy services such as ultrasounds and pre-abortion consultations.

You deserve to feel supported and informed. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!