Frequently Asked Questions

How Will I Know If I’m Pregnant?

A late period, tender breasts, and fatigue are all early signs of pregnancy, but the only way to know for sure is by taking a pregnancy test. Cornerstone Women’s Resource Centers offers free pregnancy testing. You can be confident in the result because our pregnancy tests are lab-quality with a 99% accuracy rate.

When Should I Get An Ultrasound?

After a positive pregnancy test at Cornerstone, your next step is to get an ultrasound. We offer free ultrasound scanning. It reveals important information about the pregnancy that will determine your next steps. Specifically, how far along the pregnancy is, where it is located, and if the pregnancy is viable.

How Much Will My Appointment Cost?

We do not charge for any of the services at our centers. As a result, we do not need any proof of insurance either. Our main goal is to provide you the care and education you need to live a healthy life.

Who Will You Notify About My Appointment?

Your appointments, tests, and conversations with us are completely confidential. No one will be notified. Because our services are offered at no charge, we will not contact your insurance company either.

What If I Don’t Know What To Do Next?

That’s okay. Many women come to our center not knowing what they want to do about their unplanned pregnancy. Remember, we are here for you. Our client advocates want to help you make the best decision for your unique situation. Let’s talk!