What Is Ectopic Pregnancy? 

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition that occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, most commonly in one of the fallopian tubes. Unlike a normal pregnancy, where the embryo develops in the uterus, an ectopic pregnancy cannot proceed normally and poses significant health risks.  This article will highlight the essentials you

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How Does an Ultrasound Work?

Ultrasound is a critical tool during pregnancy that provides the essential details you need to know to move forward confidently.  This article will delve into how ultrasound works, the types of ultrasound used during pregnancy, and why it’s crucial to get one before making any pregnancy decision.  How Ultrasound Works Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves

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What Are the Warning Signs of Infection After Abortion?

Did you recently have an abortion and think you might be experiencing an infection? Are you still pregnant and considering an abortion?  Either way, knowing the warning signs of infection is essential since infection is a complication that can occur with both types of abortion (medical and surgical). This article will highlight the primary warning

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Will My Insurance Pay for My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

If your girlfriend is considering abortion and you’re hoping to use your insurance to pay for the procedure, it’s important to know that insurance plans typically won’t provide coverage for girlfriends. Instead, insurance will cover spouses and dependents (like children), depending on the type of coverage you have. Worried about the cost of abortion? Read

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What Is a Medical Abortion?

A medical abortion (also known as the abortion pill) is a procedure where women terminate their pregnancies using two prescription drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol. Cornerstone Women’s Resource Centers is committed to providing accurate information and early pregnancy services so you can make an informed choice for your health and future.  Read on for more information

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Do I Have to Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

You are not legally required to tell your partner you want an abortion—and the decision about how to move forward in your pregnancy is yours alone to make.  However, if you plan on staying with your partner, it’s important to have open communication and consider his feelings.  This article will highlight things to consider when

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

An online abortion, also known as an “at-home abortion,” involves ordering the abortion pills online and taking them at home. However, this puts your safety at risk, and the FDA advises against it.  The abortion drugs that you can find online fall outside the U.S. supply chain, and they aren’t FDA-approved. This means that the

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My Partner Is Pressuring Me to Have an Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

Only you can decide what pregnancy decision is best for you. Not only is it illegal for someone to pressure you into one pregnancy choice over another, but it also puts your mental health at risk. Studies looking at the mental health effects of abortion have found that some women feel depression, anxiety, regret, and

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How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

Abortion is associated with mental health risks, including depression.  If you feel that parenting isn’t an option for you right now, creating an adoption plan is a primary way to avoid depression caused by abortion. Read on to learn more about what goes into making an adoption plan. Or, if you want to talk to

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I Don’t Want Another Abortion

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy but don’t want another abortion, your options are parenting and adoption. Before making a pregnancy decision, it’s essential to learn all you can to make an informed decision.  Read on to learn more about parenting and adoption. Or, if you want to talk to someone about your options and

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